'You have to disguise your human form': how sea eagles are being returned to Severn estuary after 150 years

2. listopadu 2024 13:16


Use of bird hand-puppets to rear young among innovative methods unveiled as part of project to restore speciesSea eagles were last seen soaring over the shimmering mud flats and brackish tidal waters of the Severn estuary more than 150 years ago. Now wildlife charities have unveiled innovative plans to bring the raptor back to the estuary, which flows into the Bristol Channel between south-west England and south Wales, by 2026."Sea eagles used to be common in these regions. But they were wiped out through human persecution," says Sophie-lee Williams, the founder of Eagle Reintroduction Wales, which is leading the project. "We strongly believe we have a moral duty to restore this lost native species to these landscapes." Continue reading...


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