'We're an evolving laboratory': the island on a quest to be self-sufficient in energy

11. prosince 2024 10:16


Harnessing wind, hydro and maybe geothermal power, the tiny Canary Island of El Hierro is blazing a trail for sustainable energy - and the secret is all in the mixWords and photographs by Ofelia de Pablo and Javier ZuritaA vertiginous outcrop with more than 500 volcanoes, El Hierro, the most westerly of the Canary Islands, is less than 12 miles (20km) wide but features elevation differences of more than 1,500 metres. Swept by strong Atlantic winds and pockmarked with volcanic craters, it has spent the past decade harnessing its natural features to create clean electricity - with the goal of being the first island to reach self-sufficiency in energy.Now, the island is reaching new milestones. Energy generated by wind and water has enabled its 11,000 inhabitants to be completely self-sufficient in electricity for 10,000 hours this year.Wind turbines not only produce most of the energy needed for islanders' daily use, but also El Hierro's three desalination plants, which supply water to the island Continue reading...


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INISOFT - software pro odpady a životní prostředí
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Ukliďme Česko - dobrovolnické úklidy
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