'Making Argentina great again'? What a year under a climate-change denying president has done for the country

11. prosince 2024 12:46


Javier Milei's push for extraction and cuts to land protections have left people fearing for their way of life - and environmentalists concerned about the futureLike many who follow Mapuche traditions in the Mendoza region of Argentina, Gabriel Jofré, 50, raises goats, moving between the plains in winter and the peaks of the Andes in summer, amid the region's 4,000 glaciers. But the future of his people's ancestral way of life is threatened, he says, by the climate crisis and plans for mining projects in the area.In October, the local governor, Alfredo Cornejo, led the National Institute of Indigenous Affairs to reconsider the recognition of ancestral lands belonging to three Mapuche communities, potentially paving the way for the auction of public lands, 34 new copper exploration projects and the creation of the Malargüe western mining district. Continue reading...


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