Trawl the sea or mine for metals? Pacific nations wrestle with how to protect oceans - and livelihoods

11. prosince 2024 13:16


Palau plans to allow more fishing in its marine sanctuary, as countries across the region seek to balance conservation with economic needsDotted across the north-west of the Pacific Ocean, the limestone islands of Palau rise like forested domes. Beneath the waves, reefs pulse with activity - fish dart through coral gardens, turtles drift nearby, while sharks with black-tipped fins shadow a passing tourist boat.Nearly a decade ago, the country took a bold step to safeguard this vibrant seascape, declaring 80% of its waters a no-fishing sanctuary.Ngerukewid, also known as the 'Seventy Islands', is a group of dozens of small, raised coral islands nestled within Palau's lagoon. Continue reading...


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