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Obnova čistírny odpadních vod

Obnova čistírny odpadních vod
 Referenční číslo CzechTrade: 
* Stav tendru: 
vypsaný tendr  
* Financování: 
EBRD /Evropská banka pro obnovu a rozvoj/  
* Země: 
* Datum uzávěrky:  
* Zdroj informace:  
* Obor dle celního sazebníku:
T168479 Stroje a mechanická zařízení s vlastní individuální funkcí, jinde v této kapitole neuvedené ani nezahrnuté

S009993 Stavební činnost - činnost ve stavebnictví

Anotace tendru:

V rámci projektu vypisuje rumunská organizace “Regia Autonoma de Gospodarie Comunala (RAGC) Bacau” vyběrové řízení na práce a dodávky spojené s obnovou čistírny odpadních vod v Bacau. Bližší informace je uvedena v popisu činností. Nabídka do tendru musí být zaslána do 28. 4. 2008. Nabídka musí být zpracována v angličtině. Financování je zajištěno úvěrem ze strany EBRD.

Popis tendru (Angličtina):

Project name Bacau WastweWater Treatment Plant Project Rehabilitation
Country Romania
Business sector Municipal and environmental infrastructure
Project ID 33455
Funding source EBRD
Type of contract Works
Type of notice Invitation for Tenders
Issue date 18 Feb 2008
Closing date 28 Apr 2008 at 12:00, Bacau time
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This Invitation for Tenders follows the General Procurement Notice for this project which was published in Procurement Opportunities on 22nd April 2002.

The “Regia Autonoma de Gospodarie Comunala (RAGC) Bacau”, hereinafter referred to as “the Employer”, intends using part of the proceeds of a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) towards the cost of ‘Completion and Rehabilitation of Bacau Wastewater Treatment Plant’ Project.

The Employer now invites sealed tenders from contractors for the following contract to be funded from part of the proceeds of the loan:

The works involved for the Completion and Rehabilitation of Bacau WWTP covering amongst others rehabilitation of civil constructions, finalisation of a new inlet equipped with automatic coarse and fine screens, finalisation of a new combined sand/grease removal unit, a new sludge thickening–dewatering building including all equipment, new aeration and cogeneration equipment, refurbishment of the existing or a new blower building, rehabilitation of the sludge digesters and the gas storage tanks, rehabilitation of all clarifiers, replacement of equipment and electrical installations and the installation of a PLC SCADA system.
Treated effluent must comply with the EC Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC for discharge into non-sensitive waters.

It is intended that the contract will be awarded in the second quarter of 2008. All Works MUST be completed within 18 months after the Commencement date and the Contract will include increased performance security and liquidated damages to ensure compliance with this requirement. The Works will be executed under FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build, First edition 1999.

Tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the Bank is open to firms from any country.

To be qualified for the award of a contract, tenderers must satisfy the following minimum criteria:

(i)The tenderer should have an average annual turnover in similar jobs in the water and wastewater sector (defined as billing for work in progress and completed) over the last three (3) years of at least ten (10) million Euro or its equivalent.

(ii) In the case of a Joint Venture, the partner in charge shall meet the average annual turnover, specified above, with at least fifty (50 %) percent. Each of the partners shall meet not less than twenty five (25 %) percent of the qualifying criteria mentioned above.

(iii) The Tenderer should demonstrate that it has access to, or has available liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and/or other financial means of not less than two (2) million Euro equivalent and sufficient to meet the contract cash flow requirements for the project.

(iv) The Tenderer should have successful experience as a main contractor in the “design and build” projects of at least three (3) projects with a value of not less than ten (10) million Euro or its equivalent. The projects shall be of a nature and complexity comparable to this contract, and shall have been executed within the last seven (7) years.

(v) The Tenderer has the necessary plant and equipment and experienced site staff to execute the project in the time scale and within the required costs.

(vi) The Tenderer shall present a detailed Work Programme including supporting report describing allocation of manpower and resources with a comprehensive explanation how the Tenderer will ensure that design and works will be executed within Time for Completion. This Work Programme, submitted with the tender, shall comply with Sub-Clause 8.3 of the General Conditions of Contract in every respect.

Tender documents may be obtained from the office at the address below upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Euro 500 (Five Hundred Euro) or its equivalent in Romanian Lei, (ROL). If requested, the documents will be promptly despatched by courier but no liability can be accepted for loss or late delivery. Payment may be made by cheque to the Employer or, in cash directly to the cashier of the Employer, or by inter-bank transfer to:

Regia Autonoma de Gospodarie Comunala (RAGC) Bacau,
bank Account of Banca Comerciala Romana,
No. RO71RNCB1400000000190081
Swift Code: RNCBROBU

Regia Autonoma de Gospodarie Comunala (RAGC) Bacau,
bank Account of Banca Comerciala Romana,
No. RO97RNCB1400000000190001
Swift Code: RNCBROBU

Cheque and bank transfer charges to be paid by the applicant. If requested, the documents will be promptly dispatched by airmail in exchange for payment, but no liability can be accepted for loss or late delivery. Only parties that purchase the Tender documents will be considered eligible to submit Tenders.

All Tenders must be valid for 120 days and be accompanied by a Tender security in amount of EURO 200,000.

The Clarification meeting and Site visit will be organized by the Employer on 18 March 2008, 10.00 hrs local time at:

Narciselor 14
Bacau, Romania

Tenders must be delivered to the office at the address below, on or before 12.00 hrs local time on 28 April 2008. Tenders will be opened on 28 April 2008, 13:00 hrs local time in the presence of those Tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend.
A register of potential tenderers who have purchased the tender documents may be inspected at the address below.

Prospective Tenderers may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the Tender documents at the following office:

Contact Person:

Mrs. A. Craiovan, Head of Project Implementation Unit
Regia Autonoma de Gospodarie Comunala (RAGC) Bacau
14 Narciselor Street, 600310 Bacau, Romania
Phone: ( 40) 334 401816;
Fax: ( 40) 334 401813.


Kontaktní informace:
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