Country diary: No camera can capture the multi-sensory assault of this waterfall

16. října 2021 11:00


Janet's Foss, North Yorkshire: The light at this popular spot plays with the air around you, as the water burns the skinI forget that October brings a relief as potent as the coming of spring. I forget that summer gets just as old and weary as winter, and that autumn begins with birds in new plumage, freshly motivated to sing. I forget that on some mornings the sky will be so blue and sharp you could cut yourself on it. That the season starts with scarlet hips, haws and rowanberries. That beeches begin their elaborate farewells with outbreaks of amber and gold months before they actually shed their leaves, while ash foliage drops early and green, with no ceremony, like the friend who slips from parties without saying goodbye. No offence, that's just how they are. Continue reading...


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