Lethal 'forever chemicals' taint our food, water and even blood. The EPA is stalling | David Bond

24. října 2021 12:45


There is no longer any population or place on earth untouched by PFAS contamination. We are living through a toxic experiment with no control groupThis week the EPA announced a new roadmap to research, restrict, and remediate PFAS - a group of industrial "forever chemicals" that have been linked to cancer and are found in our food, water, and even our blood. President Biden is requesting $10bn in the infrastructure bill to address PFAS. But this new attention still falls short of what's required to confront an unprecedented crisis that affects the health of the entire United States and countless people across the world.Today, toxic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are everywhere we've thought to look for them. As engineered, these synthetic chemicals glide through air and water with ease, evade all natural processes of decay, and inflict debilitating injuries even at exceedingly low levels of exposure. The petrochemical industry has its fingerprints all over the ubiquity of PFAS, yet that very ubiquity is now being used as an excuse against doing anything about it. PFAS are becoming too toxic to fail. Continue reading...


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