Never mind the fact the Coalition's nuclear proposal is a fantasy - it doesn't even claim to reduce power bills

13. prosince 2024 15:16


Experts and agencies have overwhelmingly deemed the plan not to be credible. And burning more coal and gas in the medium term only leads one wayGet our breaking news email, free app or daily news podcastLet's not waste time with niceties: the Coalition's nuclear plan is a fantasy. The vision laid out on Friday by a quartet of opposition frontbenchers is not going to eventuate, regardless of the result of the next election.That's not because nuclear energy is necessarily a terrible idea, in a global sense. While waste is an issue, nuclear plants offer zero-emissions power and will be needed in places with fewer energy options. But the claims put forward by the opposition - that Australia needs nuclear, or could have it in the way the Coalition describes - do not stand up to scrutiny.Sign up for Guardian Australia's breaking news email Continue reading...


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