Why some Black women won't or can't quit hair relaxers - even as the dangers become clearer

12. prosinece 2022 11:30


Studies show the products may double the risk of uterine cancer, but tradition, societal pressure and personal taste create obstacles to changeJeanet Stephenson stacks two boxes of hair relaxer on her bathroom sink. She shakes out her long hair before leaning down to reveal wavy roots at her middle part to the camera - straightening this patch of her hair is the purpose of her TikTok video Come Get a Relaxer With Me, Pt 2. A remix of SZA plays in the background as she slicks her hair down with the white chemical concoction from one of the boxes. By the end of the demo clip she is smiling into the camera, glossy-lipped, with an air of satisfaction and shiny, straight, blown-out tresses falling past her shoulders.The 22-year-old nursing student in Montgomery, Alabama, occasionally gets pushback for posting videos of chemically straightening her hair. Commenters will respond, "Relaxers are damaging, so I don't see how it's healthy at all," or "It's literally chemicals that make ur hair permanently straight. It doesn't matter how professionally you do it, it's still damaging." Continue reading...


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