Čtvrtek, 24. října 2024

Italy: Ostuni, the thousand-year olive trees

Italy: Ostuni, the thousand-year olive trees

Also known as "Le Puglie" in the plural form, this region contains, in fact, many souls. The "heel of Italy's boot," Apulia is a charming region that can be visited all year round and is suspended among nature, history, tradition, tastes and spirituality.

See video: http://www.italia.it/en/media/video/ostuni-the-thousand-year-olive-trees.html

Apulia, the spur of the Italian Boot, is an enchanting region that spreads lengthwise along the sea - marvelous beaches that will delight every traveler, from the sandy Torre dell'Orso and Porto Cesario, to the rocky, boulder-encrusted Riviera of Otranto and Santa Maria di Leuca. At Santa Maria di Leuca the calm and crystalline waters of the Ionian Sea mix with those of the intense and azure Adriatic. Sea lovers have multiple options in Apulia, from Gallipoli, the "Gem of Salento," to Gargano, "Italy's Buttress," which protrudes out into the clear sea, where one finds the the beautiful Tremiti Islands.

Nature is the protagonist again in the Murgia National Park, and in Gargano's wild Umbra forest, its salt pans and lakes. Visit the marine reserve of Torre Guaceto and the deep ravines of Laterza and wide dolines (depressions in the terrain) of Altamura characterize the hinterland of the region with their charming landscapes. For those who want to travel through history, Apulia offers a wide range of places that testify to the ancient origins of this land: from prehistory to Magna Graecia, from the Imperial Age to the Renaissance and the Baroque splendor of Lecce and of Salento. The trulli, for example those of Valle d'Itria, offer an evocative testimony to the rural past of the region. Meanwhile, numerous castles dot the coasts of the southern coast, hinting at an era when both perils and commerce landed on these shores.

For who is interested in tradition and folk music, should attend the numerous festivals and fish sagre that in summertime run throughout the region.

The provinces of Apulia are: Bari (regional capital), Brindisi, Foggia, Lecce and Taranto, Barletta-Andria-Trani.

ZDROJ: www.italia.it

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