Glasgow has to be a turning point. There is no other optionNothing and everything and not nearly enough has changed in the six years since the Paris climate summit and agreement. The four players in our climate future - climate chaos, climate activism, climate solutions and climate finance - are still on a playing field filled with floods, flames and false solutions. Two of them are racing away from catastrophe, one is rushing toward it, and the fourth is undecided.Runaway climate change itself has gotten far worse: we're seeing chaos and destruction, ice melt and early signs of systemic collapse of ocean currents, ice sheets and much else. Both the climate movement and the practical solutions have gotten far stronger, more ambitious, more capable, more diverse. Climate finance has run in both directions: far too much money is still pumped into the fossil fuel industry, but there have been significant successes getting governments, development banks, and private investors to cut financing and reframe the industry as fundamentally criminal.Rebecca Solnit is a Guardian US columnist. Her most recent books are Recollections of My Nonexistence and Orwell's Roses Continue reading...
Our climate demands we change the world right now. The good news? We can | Rebecca Solnit
30. října 2021 11:15
Zdroj: The Guardian