Čtvrtek, 24. října 2024

Exchange of views with the European Commission on Fitness check of General Food Law

Exchange of views with the European Commission on Fitness check of General Food Law

On 10 November, the ENVI Committee will hold the first exchange of views on a fitness check of a specific piece of legislation in line with the decision of the Coordinators to systematically invite the Commission to report to the Committee on the on-going REFIT procedures before the evaluations and next steps are decided by the Commission.

The aim of this exchange of views is to informthe Committee as regards the state of play of this Fitness check (initialresults of the analysis of gathered information and possible ways forward whichthe Commission considers in follow-up to this Fitness Check), which coversRegulation (EC) 178/2002 setting up general principles and requirements, andbasic objectives of food law, establishing EFSA and providing for themanagement if emergencies and crisis. The regulation was adopted in 2002 andfully entered into force in 2005. Since its adoption it has never undergone acomprehensive evaluation.
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